Our extensive drywall repair is what distinguishes our company from all the rest.
What you can expect from us:
Position bright light against wall to identify all drywall imperfections
Scrape drywall smooth
Indent nail pops and holes
Apply drywall tape where necessary
place drywall screws/nails in loose drywall
Apply drywall compound/spackle to all repairs and imperfections
Sand all repairs
Begin Interior Painting process
With the use of a high powered light, we shine the light against the walls, casting a shadow on any and all drywall imperfections. This can be nail pops, old paint drips, holes, stress cracks, drywall seams, etc. Patching and sanding all of these drywall imperfections assures us that we begin our painting on the smoothest possible drywall. We can also patch any size hole up to a full sheet of drywall (8ft. x 4ft).